To whom it may concern

To whom it may concern,
        It's taken me years to figure out what to say to you. Will you please just keep reading? I've also taken days to figure out what to write here. I would like to make these points to you and I would like you to at least give me the opportunity to do so. I know why you're still mad at me. I broke your heart and somehow, broke a promise. If the first part is wrong, then I apologize profusely. I've tried apologizing to you in prior years. Somehow it didn't work. I've grieved you and I can't believe that the person I grieved you to, became who they are currently (that's for another day). I have a couple (a few?) reasons as to why I'm writing to you. We've known each other over 20 years; maybe 25-30 years. Okay, on to the reasons. You have no reason to be that upset at me. You say I broke a promise. Okay. I did. I acknowledge that and take full responsibility for it. Do you remember January of your senior year? You took me to the military ball. You told me your grandfather was so proud of that picture that we took; you even put it in his casket. Do you remember that night for real? We were in the limo and you made me a promise. You told me you'd always be my friend … you'd always be around … and here we are, over 20 years later, and you don't know me. You're not around, you're not my friend. So in the long run, you also broke a promise to me. I could be angry, but I'm not. You also told me you would always love me, no matter what would happen. Again, what happened there? 
I'm not angry, I'm not bitter. Again, I've already grieved you. I'm just very curious as to why you held me to a standard that you couldn't hold yourself to … I have to keep all my promises, but you don't have to keep yours? I'm also curious to know why you had to move to Canada. I know you've got a wife and kids. I'm currently married and my husband and I have been foster parents. We've had 53 kids in our care so far. Right now I'm in dialysis and on oxygen therapy. You probably don't care. If you don't, okay. Gives me a reason to keep praying. And if I remember correctly, you don't believe in God, but in a Higher Power. I still have the same email address. Yes, I'm still a fan of Creed. That much has not changed. I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I'm honestly happy for you that you've got a family and that you've moved forward. I just really would like to know why. Why did you tell me breaking a promise was a huge deal, when you broke yours as well? Why did you make a promise you couldn't keep? I've tried to make amends, apologize, what have you. And somehow you still remained angry, bitter, your adjective here. We're both adults now. We were adults then. You don't have to reply. I just wanted you know how I felt. I'm allowed to feel the way I do. If you don't think so, that's on you. 
And now that I've made my points, the ball is in your court. Again, my email address has never changed in the last 25-30 years. iluvcreed 4 ever at yahoo
Your turn. With Love, Munchkin.


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