Whoever little brother wants to be

 When I found out my sister was having a second child, I was so happy! After the birth of my niece, I knew that I could love another child just the same. We had a gender reveal party to find out what my sister was having the second time around. 

He came out with one dimple in his right cheek. He was completely bald; outside of just peach fuzz. His little head was so perfect! Between the ages of birth to 3 years old, my nephew was the CUTEST baby! And he knew it! We all doted on him and his sister. My youngest sister had a boy as her first child and he's a cutie patootie as well! But that's for another day. 

My first nephew has me wrapped around his little finger and he knows it! He lovingly calls me Aunt Mimi and I love it! He makes everyone laugh because he takes after his daddy. Every child has phrases they say as they grow up and I'll never forget a couple of his.

The first time I laid eyes on my oldest nephew, I fell in love at first sight all over again! I couldn't help myself. He's sweet and just so handsome. Now as far as advice for him, I've got a few things to tell him. Here goes nothing. 

Don't be afraid to be yourself in any and all situations. Marching to the beat of your own drum leads you to be happier in the long run and helps you worry less about what others think about you. You will always have a place in the world no matter what and I will always be around for you. Don't be afraid to show your emotions no matter the circumstance. Most importantly, look to Jesus before fighting any battles. Also, pick your battles carefully. Jesus will win and has won any war for you. Your fight in any battle will be successful with Jesus Christ at your side. You will always have me at your back along with your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and your sister. Please don't ever forget that I will be around for you whenever you call. Don't forget, child, that you are always loved. You are also fearfully and wonderfully made. The Lord bless you and keep you. May He show His countenance upon you and give you peace. And in the words of Bob Dylan, 

May God bless and keep you always

May your wishes all come trueMay you always do for othersAnd let others do for youMay you build a ladder to the starsAnd climb on every rungMay you stay forever youngMay you stay forever young
May you grow up to be righteousMay you grow up to be trueMay you always know the truthAnd see the light surrounding youMay you always be courageousStand upright and be strongMay you stay forever youngMay you stay forever young
May your hands always be busyMay your feet always be swiftMay you have a strong foundationWhen the winds of changes shiftMay your heart always be joyfulMay your song always be sungAnd may you stay forever youngMay you stay forever young


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