How long must I wait?

 I've been out of pocket for awhile. I was in the hospital a second time due to some breathing issues and I'm beginning to heal from that. What was wrong with my breathing? Well, a chest tube and 4 liters of fluid later, my left lung is finally clear and I'm able to actually breathe. I don't feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest and I'll be able to get my peritoneal surgery in a week. 

So what am I waiting for? And how long must I wait? Transplants are in the next one to two years. I never thought I'd ever need a transplant for anything. Seriously. Never in my life did I believe that I would need a transplant. A kidney isn't an easy thing to find. People aren't on the street corners just handing out kidneys. If only it were that easy, right? My family is being tested. I'm fairly certain I'll get one from a family member before I get one from a stranger. Only God knows. Lord willing, I'll find one sooner than later. 

I've had a lot of time to rethink my appreciation for things and people. I'm trying to surround myself with those who are only helping me. Family members, church friends, etc. It's not always easy. My prayer life has changed dramatically in the last few months. I've been praying for those who need it more than me, those who don't want it, and those who know they need it. I know that sounds completely outrageous. However, I don't care how insane it sounds. Praying is the one constant I do have in my life outside of my family and my husband. Josh has been so good to me! He's been a rock and I wouldn't change it for anything. 

He didn't ask for this. When he said in sickness and in health, I'm sure this is not what he bargained for in our vows. However, he's taken that seriously and my sickness has not deterred him in the slightest. Josh is my best friend! I'm very happy that I've married him and I pray he feels the same. 


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