Time on my hands

 When in dialysis, I have to sit for four (4) hours with my thoughts. I'm not alone when I do it. There are others getting dialysis in the center with me, but we're kind of in our own worlds. I'm waiting to get my other procedure in order to do dialysis at home. Right now I'm doing outpatient dialysis. Between medications, going to the center, being bored for a few hours, I'm doing really well. 

With the time on my hands, I've been praying a lot. About my treatment, healing of others, money, my marriage, and anything else that crosses my mind. I spend most of my time in dialysis crocheting any project I have going at the moment. With every stitch, comes a prayer. So you'd think in four hours, I'm praying the whole time. I do take a small break in order to rest my arms. Does it seem ridiculous to pray for four solid hours? No. 1 Thess 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing." Doing it for just four hours is not enough. Since I'm currently at home, I crochet there too. I also clean the house and cook. Okay so this whole thing is about prayer. So what? Maybe that's what you need to hear. Jesus prayed all the time. Matthew 14:23, Luke 3:21, Mark 6:46, Hebrews 5:7, Luke 6:12. The list of verses goes on. 

My escape is crochet and in reality, it's prayer. I will admit that it's hard not to get into a rut of saying the same prayer, with the same attitude. There are moments where I realize this and I change my prayer. It's tough and when I do change it, I notice a change in life. In all aspects of life; my marriage, my job, in general. 


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