
How do I know?

 How do I know where to start? My depression has won on several occasions. There are lots of times I don't feel like doing anything around the house. Doing the dishes takes hours. It took me 3-4 hours just to finish washing the dishes. I have to do it by hand and it took forever. If there was an automatic dishwasher, it'd be different. Doing it by hand, it takes a long time. Here's why it's hard to start. My brain tells me I'm not doing it right. That's where the depression and anxiety lies to me. Doing it is not the hard part. Starting it is the hard part. I don't know where to start. Finishing is easy, as long as I start. Cleaning isn't hard. It's really not. How do I know that I'll be okay? And you're probably wondering how I have anxiety and depression because I'm a Christian. Listen! I'm a human being. Therefore, I have a chemical imbalance in my brain that gives me mental health issues. So don't believe that since I'm a ...

Try as I might...

 Try as I might, I can't seem to get these feelings of hurt out of me. Okay, what hurt? It's not from my husband or anyone in particular. I'm hurting from feeling complacent. Hear me out. I'm not sure where to start in my mission to help those around me. I've been praying and trying to think of ways to help those who need help. My husband and I bought dinner for a homeless man a couple of weeks ago. If we'd had the space, I would've suggested he stay the night with us because it gets cold where I live. I mean COLD!! Freezing temps at night. And I know that there are not a lot of shelters that are willing to have people do the standing-room-only thing. That becomes a fire hazard.  The husband and I have some lofty dreams about how to help those in need. We would like to own a place that allows for certain things to be bought and sold for those who like to hunt. And on my side of it, it would be more for those who like to craft with yarn (knit, crochet, tattin...

Is it really a new beginning?

 It's the beginning of a new year and everyone is doing new resolutions. Will anyone stick to them? Some will, some won't. It's par for the course. As I am trying to lose weight to get on a transplant list, my concern for other health issues pops up.  In all my time earth side, I have never known God to let me down. There have been moments in my life I believed hard core that my faith was shaken and that's normal. I don't feel that I have regrets, only learning experiences. Having regrets means I'm not keeping my faith in God. At least that's my take on it. I've had lots of opportunity to feel regret and I did sit and wallow for about a minute. However, the Lord put people in my life to help me along in my troubled seas. And when I got through the fog, I saw the sunshine and realized that my choices in where to sit. I'd like to believe that when I get to heaven, I'll have endless Dr. Pepper, endless yarn, and know how to make every pattern ever w...

To whom it may concern

To whom it may concern,                    It's taken me years to figure out what to say to you. Will you please just keep reading? I've also taken days to figure out what to write here. I would like to make these points to you and I would like you to at least give me the opportunity to do so. I know why you're still mad at me. I broke your heart and somehow, broke a promise. If the first part is wrong, then I apologize profusely. I've tried apologizing to you in prior years. Somehow it didn't work. I've grieved you and I can't believe that the person I grieved you to, became who they are currently (that's for another day). I have a couple (a few?) reasons as to why I'm writing to you. We've known each other over 20 years; maybe 25-30 years. Okay, on to the reasons. You have no reason to be that upset at me. You say I broke a promise. Okay. I did. I acknowledge that and take full responsibility for it. Do you remember Janu...

Loving not my child

Wait... what? Loving not my child? Melissa, that doesn't make sense. Come on a journey with me please, as I explain what's happening in foster care. Imagine if you will: You're a 13 year old girl and you're the oldest. Your little brother is 5 years old, your little sister is 9 months old. You know that Mom sleeps a lot. And there are a lot of new 'uncles' that come around. A couple of them have done things to you that you have no reason to believe is appropriate for them to do to you, but you've been told that your mommy will die or get hurt if you say anything to anyone about what's happened or happening. One day while you're home from school and Mom is asleep again on the couch, the cops are banging on the door. Mom says not to answer the door to anyone, especially the cops. So you take your brother and sister upstairs to a closet and hide. It's hard to hide when your baby sister won't stop crying because she's hungry and your brother ...

The same yesterday, today, and forever

 It's become very blatantly obvious that people don't always understand the Lord. I'm going to say that I'm one of those people. There are things I don't understand about the Lord. I have a point though. Please follow along carefully. Hebrews 13:8-16 NKJV Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them. We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp. Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach. For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. Therefore by Him l...

The whole brood of littles

 So I've got several nieces and nephews. My youngest sister has four (4) young'uns and one (1) on the way. I'll never forget when she finally had a girl and she was so excited! All her kids are hilarious! The little girl is the only girl my youngest sister will ever have. I do wish I could see them more often. But life. And if I could get to know them better, I would. To all of those kids, I've got my own advice for them as well. Pick your battles carefully. Your family is always around. No matter what happens, pick up the phone and call your mom. If you're able call your grandparents. You'll never know how much you will miss it until they're gone. How I wish I could tell all of you about Grandmother and Granddaddy Garner and how I wish you could've met them! The memories I have of them are amaing and me telling you about them doesn't do any justice. And in the words of Bob Dylan,  May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May y...