
Showing posts from January, 2024

Try as I might...

 Try as I might, I can't seem to get these feelings of hurt out of me. Okay, what hurt? It's not from my husband or anyone in particular. I'm hurting from feeling complacent. Hear me out. I'm not sure where to start in my mission to help those around me. I've been praying and trying to think of ways to help those who need help. My husband and I bought dinner for a homeless man a couple of weeks ago. If we'd had the space, I would've suggested he stay the night with us because it gets cold where I live. I mean COLD!! Freezing temps at night. And I know that there are not a lot of shelters that are willing to have people do the standing-room-only thing. That becomes a fire hazard.  The husband and I have some lofty dreams about how to help those in need. We would like to own a place that allows for certain things to be bought and sold for those who like to hunt. And on my side of it, it would be more for those who like to craft with yarn (knit, crochet, tattin...

Is it really a new beginning?

 It's the beginning of a new year and everyone is doing new resolutions. Will anyone stick to them? Some will, some won't. It's par for the course. As I am trying to lose weight to get on a transplant list, my concern for other health issues pops up.  In all my time earth side, I have never known God to let me down. There have been moments in my life I believed hard core that my faith was shaken and that's normal. I don't feel that I have regrets, only learning experiences. Having regrets means I'm not keeping my faith in God. At least that's my take on it. I've had lots of opportunity to feel regret and I did sit and wallow for about a minute. However, the Lord put people in my life to help me along in my troubled seas. And when I got through the fog, I saw the sunshine and realized that my choices in where to sit. I'd like to believe that when I get to heaven, I'll have endless Dr. Pepper, endless yarn, and know how to make every pattern ever w...